电子邮箱: weimei.pan@tjnu.edu.cn
联系地址: 冠军白菜策略网会员中心,天津市西青区宾水西道393号
研究领域: 文件管理;电子文件证据性保障;西方古文书学;文书学;档案教育;电子文件管理与长久保存
2012.9-2019.5,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学,博士(导师:Luciana Duranti)
Pan,Weimei. 2023.«Neglected Or Looted»: The Case Of The 8000 Burlap Bags Of Qing Grand Secretariat Archives After The Fall Of The Qing Dynasty, in Carmela Santoro(ed.) «GLI ARCHIVI NELLE SOMMOSSE E NELLE GUERRE». DALL’ETÀ NAPOLEONICA ALL’ERA DELLA CYBER WAR, 491-498.
Pan, Weimei, and Mitchell, Grant. 2021. Chapter 5 Cloud computing contract terms checklist for international organizations: A case study, in Jens Boel and Eng Sengsavang (ed.) Recordkeeping in International Organizations, Taylor& Francis Book.
Feng, Huiling, Zhiying Lian, Weimei Pan, Chunmei Qu, Wenhong Zhou, Ning Wang, and Mengqiu Li. "Retrospect and prospect: the research landscape of archival studies." Archival Science 21, no. 4 (2021): 391-411.
Weimei Pan & Luciana Duranti (2020) Sitting in limbo or being the flamingPhoenix: the relevance of the archival discipline to the admissibility of digital evidence in China,Archives and Manuscripts, 48:3, 300-327, DOI: 10.1080/01576895.2020.1822892.
Pan, Weimei. 2017. “The Implementation of Electronic Recordkeeping Systems: An Exploratory Study of Socio-Technical Issues”. Records Management Journal 27, (1): 84-98.
Feng, Xiangjun, and Pan, Weimei. 2016. “Determinants of User Acceptance of Electronic Recordkeeping Systems: A User- Focused Empirical Study of System Characteristics”. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 40, (2): 124-151.
Guo,W., Fang, Y., Pan, W., and Li, D. 2016. "Archives as a Trusted Third Party in Maintaining and Preserving Digital Records in the Cloud Environment". Records Management Journal 26, (2): 170-184.
Pan, Weimei. 2015. "Diplomatics in China". Records Management Journal 25, (1): 121-133.
Pan, Weimei, and Mitchell, Grant. 2015. “Software as a Service (SaaS) Quality Management and Service Level Agreement”. In Proceedings of the INFuture 2015: e-Institutions-Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation. Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Pan, Weimei, and Mitchell, Grant. 2015. “Records Management in the Use of Software as a Service (SaaS) Applications: A Case Study”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Security Management: ICCSM-2015. Academic Conference Limited.
Pan, Weimei. 2015. "Context". In Encyclopedia of Archival Concepts, Principles And Practices, edited by Luciana Duranti, and Patricia C. Franks. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Barlaoura, G., Rowe, J. & Pan, W. 2013. “Records in the Cloud (RiC): Profiles of Cloud Computing Users”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Security Management: ICCSM-2013. 161-165. Academic Conference Limited.
潘未梅,纪雅静,李福君.(2022) 基于招聘信息的外国文件与档案管理岗位需求分析——以英国与加拿大为例[J].档案学研究,2022(04):59-65.DOI:10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2022.04.009.
潘未梅,曲春梅 & 连志英.(2020).国际档案学界十大热点研究领域——基于六种国际档案学期刊论文的分析(2017—2020). 档案学研究, (06),128-138. doi:10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.06.014.
潘未梅,楚艳娜,谭必勇. (2015). 加拿大公共档案馆思想演进历程简析 – 从“总体档案”到“档案系统”. In中国档案研究(第一辑),赵彦昌主编. 辽宁大学出版社.
潘未梅. (2015).战争与档案工作 – 以第一次世界大战期间加拿大档案工作为例.档案管理, (2), 79-81.
潘未梅. (2014). 继承与发展:不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (UBC) 的档案学及其教育理念. 档案管理, (4), 61-63.
潘未梅 方昀. (2013). 文件档案概念辨析---以InterPARES项目为例. 档案学通讯, (4), 25-29.
方昀 潘未梅.(2013)InterPARES项目对电子文件可靠性真实性保障的哲学基础和理论基础. 档案学研究, (3),36-40.
潘未梅. (2011). 宏观鉴定实践的先驱——荷兰pivot项目研究. 档案学通讯, (5), 33-36.
潘未梅 桑毓域. (2011). 试论加拿大宏观鉴定理论. 档案管理, (6), 78-82.
潘未梅. (2011). 澳大利亚宏观鉴定实践浅议. 兰台世界:中旬,(10), 17-18.
潘未梅 桑毓域. (2011). 基于模糊模型的企业档案管理状况评价.档案管理, (4), 8-11.
I Trust AI子课题,AI and records & archives management in China:Interaction and Co-evolution(GS03),2023-今。
InterPARES Trust (2013-2019),主要参加人,SSHRC Partnership Grant。
Records in the Cloud (2012-2016),主要参加人,SSHRC Insight Grant。
2015-2016 SLAIS PhD Student Conference Travel Support Grant.
ARMA International Education Foundation (AIEF) graduate scholarship 2013.
Society of American Archivists(SAA)’ Oliver Wendell Holmes Travel Award for the 2013 Annual Meeting.